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Collect and Process Cards

This blueprint provides a complete guide to securely collect cardholder data and send it to a third party service.

This blueprint assumes you are using a React frontend and Node.js API. The blueprint can be modified for your specific framework or language by leveraging our JavaScript Elements implementation or one of our many language-specific SDKs.

Don't want to complete this guide? View the completed example application here.

Collect Credit Cards

The first step to reducing your PCI scope is to securely collect cardholder information without your application touching the data. To do this, we will leverage Basis Theory Elements. These secure form inputs for your web or mobile application collect sensitive cardholder data without directly interacting with the values.

Install Basis Theory Package

Install the Basis Theory React package within your application using your package manager:

npm install --save @basis-theory/basis-theory-react

Create a Public Application

To securely collect cardholder data, you'll need a Public Application using our PCI-compliant template Collect PCI Data. Click here to create one.

This will create a PCI-compliant application with the following Access Controls:

  • Permissions: token:create, token:update
  • Containers: /pci/
  • Transform: mask

Copy the API Key to be used in the next step.

Initialize Basis Theory Elements

Let's create a new Card Form component. In a terminal in the same directory as your App component, type:

touch card-form.js

In your editor, update your App component with the following code:

import {
} from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-react';
import { CardForm } from './card-form';

export default function App() {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory('test_1234567890', { elements: true });

return (
<BasisTheoryProvider bt={bt}>
<CardForm />
Be sure to replace test_1234567890 with the Public API Key you created in the Create a Public Application step.

Next, add the following code to your new Card Form component:

import {
} from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-react';

export const CardForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory();

const submit = async () => {};

return (
<form onSubmit={submit}>
<button type="button" onClick={submit} >

This will initialize Basis Theory JS and add your new card form.

Add Card Element

Now, we need to add a CardElement component to our form. This Element type renders a single line containing input fields to capture the card number, expiration date, and CVC.

Add the CardElement to our inputs:

import {
} from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-react';

And inside of our <form> tag, add the following code:

<CardElement id="card" />

Your card component should now look like this:

import { useRef } from 'react';
import {
} from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-react';

export const CardForm = () => {
const { bt } = useBasisTheory();
const cardRef = useRef(null);

const submit = async () => {};

return (
<form onSubmit={submit}>
<CardElement id="card" ref={cardRef} />

<button type="button" onClick={submit} >

You can fully customize the look and feel to match your existing site and even listen to common events on all Elements components.

Store Cards

Now that we have securely captured the card information, we need to securely store the card.

To do this, we will tokenize the data with Basis Theory. Basis Theory handles all of the secure encryption and storage of the cardholder data and returns a non-sensitive token identifier that can be stored in your database.

Tokenize the Card

Inside of your CardForm, we will update the submit function to tokenize the card using the PCI-compliant card Token Type:

const submit = async () => {
// Tokenize card with Basis Theory
const token = await bt.tokenize({
type: 'card',
data: cardRef.current,

// Submit card token to our Next.js app's API
// Example using Axios
const { data } = await'/api/cards', { cardTokenId: });

What is Happening?

When a user submits their payment information, we will tokenize the underlying value of the CardElement. This will instruct Basis Theory Elements to submit this sensitive card data directly to Basis Theory's Tokenize endpoint and return the resulting token identifiers to our front end, all without our application having accessed the sensitive card data directly.

We are also creating a card Token Type. This is a PCI-compliant token type that will validate the card number using the LUHN algorithm and automatically expire the cvc property after one hour.

The resulting token ID is safe to pass between your systems and store in plaintext within your preferred database.

You can fully customize your card token, such as the alias, mask, and metadata by leveraging all of our token capabilities using Expressions.

To not take on additional PCI scope, you cannot reveal more than the first six digits or last four digits of the card number via a combination of the alias and mask on your card token.

Process Cards

Now that we have our card token, we need to be able to send the cardholder data to a PCI-compliant payment service provider (PSP) such as Stripe or Braintree.

In order to do this, we will send the data without touching the tokenized value. To accomplish this, we will use Basis Theory's Proxy.

Create a Private Application

First, you will need a Private Application using our PCI-compliant template Use PCI Tokens. This application will be used to securely send cardholder data via the Basis Theory Proxy to the PSP of your choice. Click here to create one.

This will create a PCI-compliant application with the following Access Controls:

  • Permissions: token:use
  • Containers: /pci/
  • Transform: reveal

Copy the API Key to be used in the next step.

Send the Data to the Payment Service Provider

From our backend API, we will now be able to send the cardholder data associated with our token to a third-party PSP.

Add the following code to your API, replacing PRIVATE_API_KEY with the API Key from the previous step::

const { data }  = await
card_number: `{{ ${cardTokenId} | json: '$.number' }}`,
exp_month: `{{ ${cardTokenId} | json: '$.expiration_month' | to_number }}`,
exp_year: `{{ ${cardTokenId} | json: '$.expiration_year' | to_number }}`,
cvc: `{{ ${cardTokenId} | json: '$.cvc' }}`
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

You should see a JSON response similar to:

"card_number": "4242424242424242",
"exp_month": 12,
"exp_year": 2025,
"cvc": "123"

What is Happening?

A secure HTTPS request is made to Basis Theory's Proxy endpoint. Basis Theory intercepts the request and detokenizes the Expressions in the request body.

The detokenized request is then forwarded to the destination URL defined by the BT-PROXY-URL header passing request headers and query parameters along to the destination.

This allows you to send the sensitive PCI cardholder data to any PCI-compliant third-party without touching the data and, therefore, keeping your systems out of PCI scope.

You should ensure that any PCI cardholder data is only sent to PCI-certified third-parties. All PCI-certified services are required to maintain an up-to-date Attestation of Compliance (AOC) to accept and store cardholder information.

More advanced Proxy scenarios can be configured via the Proxies endpoint, such as tokenizing inbound cardholder data before it touches your API or encrypting outbound API calls with an encryption key.


Following the PCI Blueprint enables you to remove 95% of the PCI compliance requirements by removing the need to touch the cardholder data when collecting, storing, and processing sensitive information.

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